viernes, 27 de septiembre de 2013

poodle miniature.

sprinter:correr a macima velocidad
jogger: trotador
to hunt: cazar
laid-back approach: acrarse tranquilo
watchdog: perro guardian
grooming: aseo
maintenance: mantenimiento
groom: cepillar
tricks: enagañar
approach: aproximarse
roommate: compañer de cuarto


 gained: obtener

accurately: exactamente

woof: ladrar

whimper: quejido

clue: pista

purpose: objetivo

strengthened: fortalecer


los simpsons, i like watch this tv show because your episodes are very entertaining and  begin at the time that i arrive to my home and this time it is for relax.

malcolm, this is my favourite program, because they have curious adventures that do laugh, too it`s a program that keep your attention everytime.

futurama, this program it´s about the future and is very interesting compare own present whit things that show up and problem that the person solve in the caricature.



viernes, 13 de septiembre de 2013

my favourite band

One of my favourite band it is  los muertos de cristo, they are from sevilla, españa and formed in 1989. they are idea Anarchist; at present they are break up, in 2008 your band finished, but one member formed other band called el noi del sucre. the are play  principal  punk rock. have record nine albums, dvds and books; my favourite albun it is los olvidados of  1997.
i like this band because yours songs have a contents that excite to the person, talk the social problems, that for a lot it´s forgotten, too talk the persons that figth for the injustice, your songs promote the idea Anarchist.
my favourite song it´s abre los ojos, talk about the social problems that the people don`t see, and they should protest for live with dignity.

viernes, 6 de septiembre de 2013

Hi, i´m Daniela

Hello my name is Daniela Vega, i was born on 24 of september of 1993, in Santiago de Chile. I live in La Reina with my parents, my little brother and my grandmother. I have a lot of pets, four cats, two dogs, two turtles and birds. I studied in Colegio Santa Maria Reina. In 2012 i enter to Programa Academico de Bachillerato in Universidad de Chile, in campus Juan Gomez Milla. In 2013 I started my first year in Veterinary Medicine in the same university, because i love animals. My hobbies are the circus arts, specifically the aerial area. My favorite foods are the corn pie (but with soja meat) and french fries. In my free time i like go with my friends to a relaxed places without the city noise, like parks, montains or the beach, and eat a picnic. Another thing that i like is listen music when i´m alone.