viernes, 27 de septiembre de 2013

poodle miniature.

sprinter:correr a macima velocidad
jogger: trotador
to hunt: cazar
laid-back approach: acrarse tranquilo
watchdog: perro guardian
grooming: aseo
maintenance: mantenimiento
groom: cepillar
tricks: enagañar
approach: aproximarse
roommate: compañer de cuarto


 gained: obtener

accurately: exactamente

woof: ladrar

whimper: quejido

clue: pista

purpose: objetivo

strengthened: fortalecer


los simpsons, i like watch this tv show because your episodes are very entertaining and  begin at the time that i arrive to my home and this time it is for relax.

malcolm, this is my favourite program, because they have curious adventures that do laugh, too it`s a program that keep your attention everytime.

futurama, this program it´s about the future and is very interesting compare own present whit things that show up and problem that the person solve in the caricature.



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