sábado, 26 de octubre de 2013

Why do I want to be a vet?

The animals i have liked since mmm,  always, since i have memory, but i never knew really that will do in the future, veterinary was only one opcion among  many options more, and when I was grew up i thinked study a career about public health how nursing; but when i began in the university i don`t knew that i wanted and  i had two carrer on mind, medical technology and anthropology, both career very different between them,by example, medical technology it´s a career where most of time it´s necessary to be enclosed in a laboratory and with little contact with other people, anthropology it`s a career of the humanist area and always in the school i prefered cientific subjets, and this it´s a abrupt change, Therefore none of two convinced me; finally i decided by veterinary medicine; this decision because the area that  i can will job in the future it´s very great and the animals, i love the animals, i think that i can help more to an animal that to a person.

Now i be in the career and the university that i wanted, every day i like more, Though i stress sometime, for the  tests, but every learn help in the future. i indecisive, Though no decided, but i liked the cats and i guess this it´s a sign, and the smaller clinical it´s my area.

viernes, 11 de octubre de 2013

my favourite animals

I like many animals, buy my favorite it´s the cat and the whale, i talk about this two animals. the firts,i like because are animals very playful and funny,  i like play with my cats (i have four),too have a beatiful coat, but they come off many hair and this i don´t like. The cats are carnivore, but the domestic cat eat a concentrated of vitamin and nutrient that them need. the diferents breed of cats live in the mountain or far away of the people (for example the wild cat), but the domestic cat live in the most houses.

 My second favourite animal is the whale, i like because simlpy are fantastic, are the biggest animals of the world, and have a strange song that i love. this animals very calm, unfortunately are hunt for diferent thing how food or for his grease, this reason the whales are in extinction. the whales live in the ocean and eat fish more little or plankton. i hope that stop the hunt of whale because it´s a terrible situation. 

viernes, 4 de octubre de 2013

My favorite Piece of Technology

my favourite piece of technology is the mp3, it is a system for input information for example music, but mainly i listen music  connet with his hearding aid . it is a instrument very important for mi, because i like listen music everytime, in the bus, when run and when stay in my house and no disturb to my family with the noise. i got it my mp3 simce three years ago, when my mother give me in my birthday. i use every day, when i go to the university and when come back to my home, mainly when i go to any place.

 i like my mp3 because is little and comfortable, is not take up space, too input much songs, how 300 songs. if i without my mp3 my trip in the bus are bored or i don`t concentrate when i try read in the bus, because the noise of cars and other people be bother.